proprio AFO


Find out everything about the central importance of sensorimotor skills for posture and movement. Understand the essential relevance of the sensorimotor approach to insoles. The key role of sensorimotor function in foot care is particularly evident in numerous functional and neurological complaints. From basic explanations to specific application questions, we are your trusted source for medical expertise. Welcome to the world of sensorimotor systems – the focus here is on expert knowledge, sound advice and user proximity. Trust us to develop individual solutions for your workshop and your patients.

The importance of sensorimotor skills for human posture and movement

Sensorimotor function plays a central role in the complex interplay of sensory stimuli and motor reactions in the human organism. This well-coordinated process is crucial for optimal posture and the smooth realisation of movements. We will go on to explain the basics of sensorimotor function and its important role in medicine.

Sensorimotor function is made up of two main components: the sensory system, which is responsible for the perception of stimuli, and the motor system, which controls the corresponding motor reactions. These processes are inextricably linked and form the essential basis for precise and adapted interaction between humans and their environment.

Medical applications and the key role of orthopaedic (shoe) technology

In the medical field, sensorimotor function plays a key role in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and neurological disorders. A well-functioning sensorimotor system not only ensures joint stability, but also enables efficient muscle coordination for complex movement sequences. Therapists and doctors specifically rely on these findings to improve their patients' sensorimotor skills.

Disorders in sensorimotor function can lead to various problems, including poor posture, balance disorders and motor impairments. This is why analysing and specifically promoting sensorimotor function is of central importance in medicine. Doctors and therapists diagnose disorders in the sensorimotor system and develop solutions to improve functionality. In this context, orthopaedic (shoe) technology plays a central role in the interdisciplinary network by offering customised aids such as insoles with a targeted sensorimotor effect.

To summarise, sensorimotor function is essential for human posture and movement. A deep understanding of this complex interplay is crucial in order to take targeted measures, recognise pathological changes and develop individual therapy approaches. This in-depth knowledge forms the essential basis for comprehensive and effective medical care in the field of musculoskeletal and neurological health.


Study proves effectiveness

Confirmed functional principle

It was demonstrated that proprio insoles have a significant influence on the activity of certain muscles. The measurements were taken on the easily recognisable peroneus longus muscle, which showed a clear increase in amplitude during the middle stance phase. The values obtained are statistically significant and the study was conducted to a high quality - double-blind and randomised.

More info on www.proprio.infoRead studyCase studies
Ludwig et. al. study confirms the active principle of sensorimotor technology using sensorimotor insoles

Operating principle

How sensorimotor foot orthoses work 

Through targeted stimulation of the tendons of the long and short muscles in the foot, proprioceptors in the muscle belly and in the transition area from muscle to tendon influence the receptor signals. In response, the central nervous system regulates muscle tension, which in turn significantly influences the joint position and thus the statics. This leads to biomechanical torques that influence various dynamic processes such as foot and leg rotations. The targeted compensation of muscular imbalances makes a decisive contribution to the effective prevention of associated complaints.

This highly complex process generates a lasting training effect for the muscles, which potentially leads to the long-term correction of misalignments and functional deficits. The surface structure of proprio insoles is highly customised by experienced orthopaedic (shoe) technicians, based on extensive knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and specific requirements of individual patients. The insoles are manufactured with extreme precision using the latest CNC technology, which has the invaluable advantage that they can be reproduced down to the last detail. They can also be produced in different material thicknesses depending on the individual shoe situation, even for particularly elegant shoe models.

Active operating principle

In the world of sensorimotor foot orthoses, the high art of creating customised strategies is evident. The challenge is to design the elements of the insole in variable thicknesses and heights depending on the indication in order to enable customised activation or relaxation of the muscles.

For each patient, this means a unique customisation that is tailored to the indication, anatomy and movement pattern. Defining a clear treatment goal is the starting point, followed by detailed planning of how this goal can be achieved through the precisely designed surface anatomy of the foot orthosis.

The proprio brand plays a decisive role in this context. With hundreds of indication-related models, proprio not only guarantees the highest quality of care, but also supports orthopaedic professionals in quickly and systematically finding an effective solution for their patients. The variety of models provides professionals with the necessary tools to fulfil the individual needs of each patient precisely and efficiently. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of proprio, where innovation and precision form the basis for successful treatment.

Media spot

Activates the tibialis posterior muscle

Lateral spot

Activates the peroneus longus and brevis muscles

Insole labelled with sensorimotor spots

Retrocapital support

Relaxes the triceps surae muscle

Toe bridge

Relaxes the triceps surae muscle and promotes tactile perception
Medial spot activation of tibial muscles

Media spot to activate the posterior tibialis muscle

A pressure point on the inside of the insole, in the area of the tendons on the shin, signals reduced muscle tension to the receptor system. This important signal is recognised by the central nervous system, which in turn leads to increased muscular activation. This reaction results in an increased tone of the muscles that straighten the longitudinal arch and leads to supination of the foot. This specific element serves to actively correct excessive eversion and pronation. The medial spot is emphasised in particular when a shift of the plumb line in the foot-leg axis and in the gait pattern towards the medial side is detected.

Example indications are Articulated foot, Fallen arches, Valgus gonarthrosis.

Lateral spot to activate the peroneus longus and brevis muscles

The pressure point placed in the insole causes a targeted shortening of the muscle-tendon distance along the outer edge of the foot. This leads to the perception of a reduced degree of tension by the receptors in the muscle belly and in the transition area between muscle and tendon. In response to this signal, the central nervous system activates the peroneal muscles. This physiological reaction has been proven by scientific studies*. The resulting activation of the peroneal muscles induces a pronation movement in the foot. This is why this specific element is emphasised in foot orthoses, especially when an increased load on the outer edge of the foot and a supinated gait pattern are observed.

Example indications are Hollow foot, Clubfoot, Sickle foot, Underpronation, Varus gonarthrosis
*Ludwig et all, 2013 Influence of a sensorimotor insert on the activity of the peroneus longus muscle in the stance phase
Lateral spot activation peroneal nerve
Retrocapital spot and toe bridge to relax the calf and Achilles tendon

Retrocapital support and Toe bridge to relax the triceps surae muscle and the Achilles tendon

The targeted application of the two forefoot elements stretches the plantar fascia in a targeted manner. This leads to increased longitudinal stretching in the muscle spindles of the calf muscles and the tendon receptors of the Achilles tendon. The central nervous system reacts to this preceding pre-tension with a reflexive relaxation of the calf muscles. This principle is similar to unconscious stretching training. This is why these elements are used in particular when there is increased tone in the triceps surae muscle or discomfort in the Achilles tendon.

Example indications are Pointed footmuscular plus symptoms such as Spasticity, Parkinson's disease, Achillodynia

Case studies

Take a look at our case studies to see how sensorimotor foot orthoses are used in everyday practice.

Overview case studies

Contact person

Jeannette Arend

"At Springer, I am your contact for technical questions about sensorimotor technology. I am happy to provide you with case-related support and am also available to answer tricky questions. I regularly report on exciting applications and scientific background in our social media channels. Want to know what's going on? Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn."

Jeannette Arend

Sensorimotor skills Speaker
Medical Product Manager
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Ready for a deep insight and the perfect start into the world of sensorimotor technology? We are your ideal partner with a team of experts in the background. Our first-class products work reliably and our training courses are inspiring. You are guaranteed all-round support when integrating into the world of sensorimotor care.

Step by step to success

Gain an initial insight into the variety of supply options and the necessary theoretical expertise with our Online basic course. Then visit our practice-orientated workshops (Children & teenagers, Pain & Sport Adults and Neuro) to strengthen your analytical and technical skills. Start with the topic that is most relevant to your business. Our customer advisors are on hand to help you identify the right products, tools and ordering channels for your company. For an effective approach to your prescribers and customers, we offer a comprehensive Marketing package which is available to you as part of a flat rate. Start your journey to an optimised supply solution now!
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proprio SOLE - Quality-assured product standard
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Prescription / billing of sensorimotor insoles

The doctor diagnoses a functional or neurological gait disorder, often in conjunction with a foot malposition. A prerequisite for the prescription is a clear indication. According to the Fifth Social Security Code (SGB V), there is a legal entitlement to the care required in individual cases, even if the products are not listed in PG08.

If the health insurance company refuses to cover the costs, the patient has the right to lodge an objection in writing. You can find the relevant objection form on www.proprio.info.

The aim of the treatment is to minimise or eliminate the causes of functional complaints and gait disorders by modifying neuromuscular signals. As a rule, the aid number "Customised foot orthoses for severe, painful and contracted foot deformities" applies.

Some health insurance funds have concluded individual contracts with the service providers and list "Proprioceptive insoles, customised" under their own aid numbers, for example AOK plus.

Objection form
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