The Wound Class shoe system was developed with the help of specialists in outpatient foot clinics. It is the optimal solution for diabetic foot ulcerations to overcome the challenges of treating non-plantar foot lesions. With these diabetic shoes, you can rely on specialist expertise to significantly improve your patients' chances of recovery.
The treatment of diabetic foot ulcerations requires not only accurate wound care, but also effective relief of the foot. Internal seams that could exert pressure should be avoided, as should insufficient stability. The shoe must also provide sufficient space for wound dressings and effectively restrict joint movement to prevent further damage. The outsole should help to relieve pressure and have both a stiffening and a roll that restricts flexion of the metatarsophalangeal joints and helps the patient to move quickly over the weight-bearing point during forward movement.
"After decades of working with diabetes patients and numerous challenges in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcerations, I was particularly keen to contribute to the development of a shoe system that is not only practical but also medically sound."
"As a master orthopaedic shoe technician with many years of experience in outpatient foot clinics, I know how crucial the right choice of footwear is for the successful treatment of diabetic foot syndromes. I encourage you to integrate the "Saluped" into your treatment plans and am always on hand with expert advice."