proprio AFO
Signet Lines white
  • Passion for the orthopaedic craft
    Biomechanical and sensorimotor insole blanks for healthy feet and natural movement.
    Collage inlay blanks - models supporting, milled bedding and 3d-printedSPRINGER tape measure
  • Enthusiasm for digital technologies.
    We are your partner for the digital process of measuring, designing and manufacturing - all from a single source.
  • Advantage through knowledge.
    Benefit from our experience and integrate our expertise into your everyday life.

Digital manufactory.

Innovative orthopaedic solutions for your company

Working together for healthy feet and optimised movement sequences – that is the promise of Springer, Europe's oldest insole manufacturer, where tradition and innovation live in perfect symbiosis. We set standards with our comprehensive solutions along the entire insole manufacturing value chain.

Springer is not just about selling products; we make our customers economically successful by facilitating the individualisation of orthopaedic aids and providing conceptual support to users. As a digitalised manufacturer in Germany, we stand for maximum precision, even with a batch size of one.

Discover the world of Springer - your partner for healthy feet and moving results. 

Digital manufactory - insole production value chain

What are you looking for?


We are the Specialist in orthopaedic insoles.


Innovative HighTech to the Measure, Construct and Manufacture.


Innovative 3D-printed orthoses with sensorimotor insoles


Comfortable and safe shoes for demanding feet

Solution approaches

Optimise your operational processes 

Unleash the full potential of your insole supply! Have you ever wondered how you can optimise your foot orthotic process? At Springer, we are not only Europe's oldest insole manufacturer, but also your partner for the digitalisation and optimisation of your processes in orthopaedic technology and orthopaedic footwear technology.
Because the future belongs not only to innovative insoles, but also to efficient processes. Especially if your company has several locations, it is crucial that all departments always have access to order-relevant data - from order acceptance to analysis and production to product delivery. We offer solutions to seamlessly digitalise your processes and thus increase efficiency.

Our digital aids also support advice on the supply of insoles and enable real “added value” in insoles sales. Let us support you and benefit from our experience and innovative strength. Discover how Springer not only manufactures insoles, but can also take your work to the next level. Start now into an efficient and digital future with Springer!

Contact us for your individual advice.

Contact us for personalised advice.
Contact us

Training & Academy

We offer tailor-made training courses for orthopaedic specialists that are adapted to the constantly changing requirements of the industry and provide you with know-how and confidence for your practice.

Academy for Sensorimotor and Biomechanics

In our Presence seminars you can experience professional expertise from different perspectives - theory and practice based on real case studies to touch, try out and the opportunity to exchange ideas directly with experts and colleagues. Discover our range of seminars and book your participation online.


To the course overview

In our Online Academy you can use our courses onDemand and 24/7. You determine the pace of learning. You will find free and fee-based learning content.


Register now



Auf die Plätze, fertig, Scan! Perfekte Passform per Scan – Jetzt einfacher als je zuvor Ihr Smartphone wird zum PräzisionsscannerDie Springer 3D Scan - App bringt digitales Scannen direkt in Ihre Orthopädie-Werkstatt – kabellos, hochpräzise und kosteneffizient. Nutzen Sie Ihr iPhone oder iPad (ab Face ID-Modellen), um detailgetreue 3D-Scans mit 0,5-mm-Genauigkeit zu erstellen – ganz […]

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Innovative Nachtlagerungsorthese für optimale Therapieergebnisse

Mit der proprio AFO Night erweitert Springer die bewährte proprio AFO-Reihe um eine speziell für die Nachtlagerung entwickelte 3D-gedruckte Orthese. Sie wurde konzipiert, um Patienten mit Spitzfuß-, Klumpfuß- oder postoperativen Einschränkungen eine gezielte Korrektur während der Ruhephasen zu ermöglichen. Präzision und Komfort dank innovativer Technologie Die proprio AFO Night wird individuell im 3D-Druckverfahren gefertigt und […]

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Effizienzsteigerung und moderne Lösungen Besuchen Sie die SPRINGER AKTIV AG auf der EXPOLIFE!  Der Fachkräftemangel und steigende Anforderungen an die Qualität bringen viele Unternehmen an ihre Grenzen. Besonders die Einlagenfertigung stellt ein großes wirtschaftliches und organisatorisches Thema dar. Wie können Sie trotz knapper Ressourcensituation Ihre Einlagenabteilung effizienter gestalten und gleichzeitig die Qualität auf höchstem Niveau […]

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News overview 

We are association members / listed suppliers of

Logo FOT - Training Association for Orthopaedic Technology e.V.
Logo rehaKIND e. V. – Das Netzwerk für Kinder- und Jugendrehabilitation
Logo - Association for the Promotion of Research and Education Management for Orthopaedic Shoe Technology in Germany e.V.
Logo eurocom e.V. - European Manufacturers Federation for Compression Therapy ans Orthopaedic Devices
Logo DGIHV - German Society for the Interprofessional Provision of Assistive Products
Logo SALITARIS - Healthcare Excellence Network
Logo Sanitätshaus Aktuell - Our smile helps
Nowecor AG Purchasing group
Logo rehaVital purchasing group
Logo Egroh purchasing group
Logo Ortheg purchasing group

Newsletter registration

Stay up to date with regular updates on new products, industry trends and seminar offers.

Contact us

Lengeder Str. 52, 13407 Berlin
+49 (0)30 - 49 00 03 - 0
+49 (0)30 - 49 00 03 - 11
SPRINGER AKTIV AG - Company building Lengeder Straße in Berlin
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