proprio AFO


With our concepts, you will find all the important offers, products and services for every topic from a single source. Select the right concept for you below for more information.

Sensomotorik Zentrum Berlin - Interior view

Sensorimotor centre

Discover the advantages of a licence partnership with the proven Berlin Sensorimotor Centre of Springer Aktiv AG! Optimise your services and offer first-class sensorimotor care. Take your orthopaedic business to a new level - Sensomotorik Zentrum, your partnership for outstanding orthopaedic solutions!

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Therapiekonzept Diabetes – Ganzheitliche Versorgung aus einer Hand

Therapy concept Diabetes

Optimale Versorgung – Ihr Wegweiser durch den Dschungel der Anforderungen. Entdecken Sie unsere Serviceangebote und Produktlösungen, um im Bereich Diabetes PG31 konforme Versorgungen in allen Risikoklassen vorzunehmen.

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