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Steven Simon
Steven Simon
Head of International Education

Sports Scientist & PhD in Musculoskeletal and Biomechanical Effects of Foot Orthoses at RPTU University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
Specializing in healthcare, SMFO, gait analysis, sensors in industrial ergonomics

Dr. Stephan Becker
Dr. rer. nat. Stephan Becker
Sports scientist

Head of the “Sports Science and Health” program at the RPTU University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, head of the laboratory for biomechanics, teaching and research focus: general movement analysis, gait analysis, strength training, medical training therapy

Christian Krüger
Christian Krüger
Master orthopaedic technician

Technical consultant for orthopaedic technology at Springer Aktiv AG
Expertise in Sensorimotor concepts & AFO

Paul Bange
Paul Bange

Head of The Sensorimotor Center in Berlin
Master orthopaedic shoe technician

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